Design Recharge

Master of One :: Brothers With Vision And Purpose



Aired on Monday, March 13, 2017 Episode 206 This week on Design Recharge I am excited to introduce you to my friends and fellow podcasters: Patrick Hill, Luke Gaul, and Andrew Sale. These guys have built an amazing community and engage at conferences with these creatives as well as connect daily with them on the slack channel they have built. I know they are all married and doing freelance, so finding the time to do all that they do is amazing. We will dig into why they do what they do and how it has helped them and others. On this episode you will find out how they got started, how they monetize and fund this project, how much time and commitment it takes, and who is responsible for what. We will also get an idea as to how they keep content fresh and how they pick which conferences to attend, and which guests to have on their show. I hope you will join me for the LIVE show. Find more about the fellas at: Twitter.