Design Recharge

What Makes Someone An Expert With Chris Do



There are so many influencers out there. Anyone can have a website, anyone can write a book or publish an article. How do you know who to trust? Do you know who to listen to? Do you wonder what makes someone able to call themselves an expert? Episode 313. Aired September 11, 2019. This week we have my friend, Chris Do back on the show talking about this very thing. What does it take to become an expert? What kinds of things should I look at to determine if this person and their experience or information is someone I should trust? Have you ever wondered these things? Well I have. What can I do to make designers and creatives trust me? Why should my clients trust me? Chris has a heart for helping creative entrepreneurs understand the business side of design while also teaching design to the masses. He has a big heart and isn't afraid to disagree or debate with people. I think this topic could evoke some strong emotions from you and the rest of the crew so I hope you will join us. If you already get the w