Design Recharge

Self-Motivation a Rapid Recharge



Episode 362. Aired November 4, 2020 This week we are going to talk about Self-Motivation and I will share 3 tips with you that I use daily. I know I sound like a broken record! But I like to hear the bad news first. Bad news, we had some damage to our house in town, pretty bad, might be a total loss (hopefully not) but God is working, it will be ok. We are safe and warm.   Every day is an adventure. Some days our superpower is evident in what we do because we are in community with other people who do not have that superpower evidenced in their lives.  I think that is why we need each other. And why we need groups, small groups, where we can feel safe and share our quirky and weird sides. Every week I talk to a lot of students, entrepreneurs, artists, all kinds of people all the time and one thing with COVID that keeps coming up over and over is Self-Motivation. We will talk about that on Wednesday and I will give you 3 tips that help me. Hope to see you there. And there are always more than three, bu