This Week In Evolution

TWiEVO 97: Germs trapping worms



Nels and Vincent review a study of the key processes required for the different stages of fungal carnivory by a nematode-trapping fungus. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Fungal carnivory by a nematode-trapping fungus (Plos Biol) Timestamps by Jolene Science Picks Nels – Openly available illustrations as tools to describe eukaryotic microbial diversity Vincent – Dana-Farber retractions: meet the blogger who spotted problems in dozens of cancer papers Music on TWiEVO is performed by Trampled by Turtles Send your evolution questions and comments to