Mongabay Newscast

Is "Not the End of the World" author's 'techno-realism' enough to solve our ecological problems?



Data scientist and head of research at Our World in Data, Hannah Ritchie, says her 'radically hopeful' new book that's getting a lot of press, "Not the End of the World: How We Can be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet," offers a pathway to solving the multiple environmental crises our world faces.   However, co-host Rachel Donald finds that key geopolitical challenges are left unaddressed by the book, leaving out important frameworks such as the planetary boundaries, and attempts to ride an "apolitical" line on solutions that inherently need policy shifts in order to be effectively implemented.   In this podcast interview, Donald challenges Ritchie on these questions and more. To hear specific topics discussed, refer to the chapter marks noted below.   Related reading at Mongabay:   The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable   Mongabay Series: Planetary Boundaries   Please invite your friends to subscribe to the Mongabay Newscast wherever they get pod