Histotalks: Nsh Podcasts

NSH Poster Podcast: P011 (2023)



The Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus): An Alternative Control Source for the Grocott Methenamine Silver Technique Authors: From University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Center, Houston, TX- Fatimah Ansar; Carla Arredondo; Tran Huynh; Victoria Jones; Jennifer Le; Duong Nguyen; Andres Ronquillo-Erazo; Minnu Varghese; Kaleena Ramirez; Toysha Mayer; Mark A. Bailey   Identifying the presence of fungi through special histotechniques is a critical diagnostic histopathology test for patients who may have acquired a fungal infection localized in the lungs. The purpose of this study was to determine if the mushroom species Agaricus bisporus, generally known as the Button Mushroom and, commonly used for cooking, may be used a special stain control slide. Is the Button Mushroom a reliable fungal control to use when performing a Grocott Methenamine Silver technique test?  The investigators hypothesize the Agaricus bisporus mushroom is a good substitute control for result verification  of the GMS staining techniqu