Histotalks: Nsh Podcasts

NSH Poster Podcast: P031 (2023)



Alternative Strategies For Analyzing Pre-Clinical Mouse Lungs Authors: Nicholas Pankow, BA; Gabriela De la Cruz, BS; Hannah Marie Atkins, PhD, DVM In some diseases or conditions, it is challenging to leverage human tissues to determine patterns and resolve disease progression. Similarities between human and mouse biology make using murine models in pre-clinical studies possible. More specifically, mouse lungs are used to further analyze respiratory illnesses as they provide scalable models that can either be genetically manipulated to elicit human diseases or follow similar phenotypic outcomes. Mice are thus used in several different disease models that can be later translated to human conditions including asthma, COPD, toxicants, cystic fibrosis, as well as viral and bacterial infections. The standard histological embedding orientation of the lung provides an easy view of the main bronchus, alveoli, bronchioles, trachea, and related lymph nodes for distinct research inquiries. However, the standard histologi