This Week In Evolution

TWiEVO 96: Going bananas over the origins of corn



Nels and Vincent discuss the origins of two modern day agriculturally important plants: a role for two different wild teosintes in making modern maize, and the origin and evolution of the triploid cultivated banana genome. Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiEVO Links for this episode Join the MicrobeTV Discord server Two teosintes made modern maize (Science) Teosinte (Native Seeds) Evolution of triploid banana genome (Nature) Science Picks Nels – Why we need an academic career path that combines science and art – Nature Careers Podcast Vincent – Science’s 2023 Breakthrough and Breakdown Music on TWiEVO is performed by Trampled by Turtles Send your evolution questions and comments to