Bullet Points

BP003 – Discuss the Youth Suicide and interviews – Bullet Points



Bullet Points is your first source for firearms news and information in Australia. This week Luke spits fire at the Australian Medical Associations position paper calling for tighter restrictions and a real time National Firearms Registry. Ten year high for youth suicide. http://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/youth-suicide-rates-at-10year-high/news-story/705855b333e4f177e66eca49e8bdd9f7 http://www.mindframe-media.info/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/11868/Suicide-Figures-ABS-2015.pdf Australian medical Association link to position paper: https://ama.com.au/media/tighter-restrictions-needed-gun-ownership | Firearm Owners... The post BP003 – Discuss the Youth Suicide and interviews – Bullet Points appeared first on Talkhub.