Very Bad Wizards

Episode 186: The One with Peter Singer



The legendary Peter Singer joins us to talk about effective altruism, AI, animal welfare, esoteric morality, future Tuesday indifference, and more. I mean, it’s Peter freakin’ Singer - what more do we need to say? Plus, the explosive ‘one or two spaces after a period' debate: has science resolved it? Special Guest: Peter Singer. Sponsored By: GiveWell: Givewell searches for the charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar. Consider a donation this holiday season--your dollar goes a lot further than you might think! Promo Code: verybadwizards Support Very Bad Wizards Links: Are two spaces better than one? | Butterick’s Practical Typography Rappers, sorted by the size of their vocabulary [thanks to listener Kevin Litman-Navarro] Peter Singer - Wikipedia de Lazari-Radek, K., & Singer, P. (2017). Utilitarianism: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press. Singer, P. (2010). The life you can save: How to do your part to end world poverty. Random House Incorporated. "A Gadfly for the Grea