You University | The Personal Branding Podcast

28: Learn How To Live an Audacious Life



In this episode of You University, I interview Coach Jennie Mustafa-Julock.  If you’ve got seriously ambitious dreams but you need a dose of spunk and grit (and maybe some guts) to pull them within reach, listen up. There are roadblocks and obstacles popping up left and right but you need a hand to hop over them and stay focused on your goals. You’re itching for a more fulfilling, adventurous, remarkable life but you’re just not quite sure how to make it happen.  You need Coach Jennie. Jennie Mustafa-Julock, The Audacity Coach, doesn't subscribe to the gentle encouragement coaching thing. Her signature cathartic shoves get you unstuck and unstoppable. She is on a mission to instigate Audacity in as many humans as possible. Coach Jennie’s BS-free approach to so-much-more-than-life coaching has been the catalyst for her clients to launch new businesses, publish their first books, negotiate career leaps, and adventure the world, and more. Simply put, Coach Jennie helps driven individuals on the brink of somethin