Sarah B. Yoga

Neck Care Part 2 - Strength



Episode 78:  Improve text neck discomfort and build strength in the right places for your neck. Last week’s podcast was mostly awareness of the neck and releasing of unnecessary habitual tension held in the neck. This week, we take a look at how to strengthen the neck and reverse the effects of the forward and down head action, (sometimes referred to as “text neck”), and the pain that comes with that.  This class strengthens the upper back and neck extensors. Most of this class could be done sitting at your desk as a way to help learn some new and better habits for neck health and to take a short break from looking at your devices. Try it on its own, or pair it with Episode 77.Do you need some visuals for class? I currently have a sample video class that works with these similar concepts, register to watch the class here. And for an even deeper study of this topic you can check out my Freeing the Neck and Shoulders Series, and Unraveling Body Anxiety Series, both of which are Feldenkrais focused. You will nee