Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

A Roadmap to Serial Medtech Entrepreneurship: Interview with SinglePass CEO Bill Colone



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we sat down with Bill Colone, the CEO and Chairman of SinglePass, a company developing an electrocautery device for deep tissue biopsies.Bill previously headed Spinal Singularity, raising over $11 million for product and clinical development. He was VP of R&D at Direct Flow Medical and the President of Endomed, which was sold in 2005. Bill also served in multiple leadership roles at Endologix and holds 13 U.S. patents with more pending. He earned his bachelor's in Chemical Engineering from Arizona State University, where he later served as an Associate Faculty Member and sits on the advisory committee for Chemical and Materials Engineering.In this interview, Bill shares invaluable insights and actionable strategies for building and leveraging an expansive network, optimizing fundraising, and strategically planning for both acquisition and independent growth. Before we dive into the discussion, I wanted to mention a few things:First, if you’re into learning from medical d