Cancer Stories: The Art Of Oncology

Buenos Días: A Letter to My Patient’s Mother



Listen to ASCO’s Journal of Clinical Oncology essay, “Buenos Días: A Letter to My Patient’s Mother,” by Dr. Jenny Ruiz, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The essay is followed by an interview with Ruiz and host Dr. Lidia Schapira. Ruiz shares a poignant story of a pediatric oncology immigrant family, social determinants of health and similarities to her own family’s experience. TRANSCRIPT  Dear Gabriela, “Buenos dias,” we said to each other in the pediatric intensive care unit. It was July of my first year of fellowship, and I was meeting you for the first time. From the start, you were there as a family unit, you and your husband supporting your two sons and each other. You were not new to the health care system or to pediatric oncology. But this was the first time you encountered a Latina, Spanish-speaking oncologist. When you heard me speak Spanish, I saw the relief in your eyes, a relief that I had seen before with my previous Spanish-speaking families.