Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 110 Mary Kennelly on the Losses of Menopause



In this episode Mary discusses the multifaceted aspects of menopause, the losses associated with menopause, ambiguous loss as well as the release of her new book; Seven Steps to Birth a Crone. She explores the physical and emotional changes, the challenges and triumphs and the unique ways she’s embraced this transition . This episode focuses on the impact of menopause on self-esteem, relationships, and self-identity. She has edited several publications and her work has appeared in several collections and anthologies and has been published in newspapers, magazines and e-zines both nationally and internationally. Some of her works include ‘Sunny Spells, Scattered Showers’, Carroll R. & Kennelly M. Glenwood Press, 2004 and ‘From the Stones’, Fitzmaurice B. & Kennelly M. Evensong Publications, 2010. Purchase Mary's latest (beautiful) book on her website, as well as prints from the book. See the link below to access her website as well as her social media handles: Facebook: Mary Kennelly Twitter: @