Influence Ecology

Boost Performance by Designing Work to Fit Human Nature with Dallas Jackson



Dallas Jackson is the Managing Director at Humaneering, where she improves business performances by fostering agility across all domains. She helps companies transform the way work is done by encouraging the right mindset and cultural change to align people, processes, and technology to maximize organizational health and performance. Dallas draws from her experience as a Scrum Master and Agile Team Coach and trainer and is certified in Neuroleadership and Transactional Competence. She’s also completed the Fundamentals of Transaction, Mechanics, and Practice, Transactional Competence Across Teams, and is currently in our Thrive membership program and a mentor for the Fundamentals of Transaction Program. Each week the Influential U Podcast is streamed live on our website, Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube. If you enjoyed this podcast, share it with others. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or any place you get your podcasts. Don’t be shy. Give a rating or review. We want to know what you think. Check out o