Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Low Toxic Home: Things You Need to Consider



Jennifer Scribner, Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner and certified GAPS practitioner joins Dr. George to discuss solutions to create a low toxic home. She was trained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in 2011. Her specialty is helping people learn and follow this specific diet to address autism and complex digestive and autoimmune conditions. She’s the author of From Mac & Cheese to Veggies, Please. How to get your kid to eat new foods, end picky eating forever, and stay sane in the process and the Navigating GAPS Daily Journal: 90 days of tracking patterns and progress on the GAPS Nutritional Protocol. Learn more about how to implement this diet and start on the path to self-healing at [Jennifer Scribner – About] • [Body Wisdom Nutrition – Work with Jennifer] • [GAPS Diet – Explained]