

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” ~Leo Tolstoy.” This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.What if patience was the key to mastering your universe?If courage is the mother of all virtues (according to Aristotle), arguably the father, along with prudence, could be patience.Let’s run through some of the advantages of developing the virtue of being patient.“Patience is the key to paradise.” ~ Persian Proverb* Patience helps you achieve your goals. * Patience helps you make better decisions. * Patience helps you to build stronger relationships. * Patience helps you manage stress better.* Patience helps you stay calm in difficult situations. * Patience helps you learn from your mistakes. * Patience can help you be more creative. * Patience can help you become more resilient. * Patience can help you be more compassionate. * Patience helps you to cultivate discipline. * Patience will enhance mindfulness.* Patience will help you control your emotions. * Patience will help you to be