Your Space Journey

Psyche's Epic Voyage to a Metal Asteroid - Interview with Chief Engineer David Oh



Interview with David Oh, Chief Engineer NASA’s upcoming Psyche mission is a robotic spacecraft mission that will explore the asteroid 16 Psyche, which is believed to be made almost entirely of metal. The mission is scheduled to launch in October 2023 and arrive at the asteroid in 2026. The spacecraft will study the asteroid’s composition, geology, and magnetic field. The mission will also test a new laser communication technology that will allow for faster data transmission between Earth and the spacecraft. This interview features David Oh, a Chief Engineer for Psyche: Journey to a Metal World, a mission in NASA's Discovery program. David has experience in all phases of spacecraft development from conceptual design to deep space operations. He has worked on both Earth Orbiting and Interplanetary missions and has led teams of 20+ engineers in spacecraft design, testing, and operations. His expertise includes avionics, electric propulsion, low thrust trajectories, power systems, and spacecraft environmental