The Tim Ferriss Show

#295: The 4-Hour Workweek Revisited



My first book, The 4-Hour Workweek, recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. Thousands of you have asked me how I would update it today -- and many have asked why I haven't updated it since 2009.For this episode, I discuss common questions and misperceptions, and how I would adjust certain chapters and recommendations.As always, thank you for listening!This episode is brought to you by WeWork. I haven't had an office in almost two decades, but working from home and coffee shops isn't always what it's cracked up to be. When I moved to Austin, one of the first things I did was get a space at WeWork, and I could not be happier. WeWork is a global network of workspaces where companies and people grow together -- in fact, more than ten percent of Fortune 500 companies use WeWork. The idea is simple: you focus on your business, and WeWork takes care of the rest -- front desk service, utilities, refreshments, and more. WeWork now has more than 200 locations all over the world, so chances are good there's