Optimal Health Daily - Archive 1 - Episodes 1-300 Only

1394: When You Fall Off The Wagon AND Is Organic Produce Better by Dominique Alessi on Healthy Choices



Dominique Alessi shares two short posts covering what to do when you fall off the wagon and whether or not organic produce is better. Episode 1394: When You Fall Off The Wagon AND Is Organic Produce Better by Dominique Alessi on Healthy Choices Dominique Alessi is a former ballerina, a software project manager, and a wellness coach. Although she was interested in health for a long time, it took years of anxiety and burnout, and a demanding Silicon Valley career, to realize her approach was way too complicated. And so her quest for simplicity began. ​She reoriented herself around the fundamentals of wellness, and started filtering out anything more complicated. She crafted systems and routines to streamline her life and reduce her reliance on memory and willpower. She cultivated a deeper awareness of her personal tendencies and the habit-change strategies that would work best for her. Now, she's sharing these things with you—the realizations, the systems, and the hacks—so that you can lead a healthy, happy, an