Optimal Health Daily - Archive 1 - Episodes 1-300 Only

1434: Jumpstart Your Way to Healthy Habits AND Looking To Boost Your Health After 50 by Susan Kolon



Susan Kolon of Kolon Performance Strategies shares two short posts covering how to jumpstart your way to healthy habits, and how to boost health after age 50. Episode 1434: Jumpstart Your Way to Healthy Habits AND Looking To Boost Your Health After 50 by Susan Kolon Susan Kolon is a worksite wellness communications expert and health coach specializing in wellness education. She works with individuals, corporations, benefits consultants and HR departments to implement education and communications strategies for wellness programs to increase participation, engagement and satisfaction for overall health and well-being. She is accredited by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Certified Wellness Coach, is a National CDC Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach, is Mental Health First Aid USA Certified, and is a Faculty Member of The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) The original posts are located here: https://kolonperformancestrategies.com/2021/03/25/jumpstart-your-way-to-healthy-habits/ & https://kolonper