Optimal Health Daily - Archive 1 - Episodes 1-300 Only

1637: 7 Reasons The Scale Is Lying To You About Your Progress by Rachel Gregory of Met Flex Life



Rachel Gregory shares 7 reasons why the scale is lying to you about your progress Episode 1637: 7 Reasons The Scale Is Lying To You About Your Progress by Rachel Gregory of Met Flex Life Rachel Gregory is a Board-Certified Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Podcaster, and founder of MetFlex Life. She is also the author of the international best-selling book, "21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge." Rachel received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. She completed the first-ever human clinical trial looking at the effects of the Ketogenic Diet in non-elite CrossFit athletes, which is published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine. Rachel is a former Collegiate Triathlete and Athletic Trainer and she has worked with a variety of individuals throughout her career that include Division I collegiate athletes, WNBA stars, and some of the top bodybuild