Talk to Your Pharmacist

UpSolutions for Independent Pharmacy with Patti Mara



In this episode, our guest is Patti Mara, a renowned expert in independent pharmacy growth and business coaching. With over 20years of experience, Patti has dedicated her career to helping owners and teams achieve remarkableresults by uncovering the “shifting point” that propels them to new levels of success. Her passion lies intransforming the way businesses operate. Leading to enhanced customer experiences, substantialgrowth, improved customer retention, and increased profitability.As the founder of, Patti utilizes her unique insights and expertise to providecoaching and guidance to pharmacy professionals, empowering them to optimize their operations andreach their full potential. Through her coaching programs and business strategies, Patti helps ownersand teams thrive in a competitive market, delivering exceptional value to their customers and drivingsustainable growth.Patti is an accomplished author, having written the influential book “UpSolutions – Turning Your Teaminto Heroes and Cu