

“Personal development exists on a spectrum. It’s a gift that allows you to become the person you could by using your intelligence, intention and effort.” This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.“He (or she) is on the spectrum.” A phrase that is probably overused these days.BTW: If it’s a spectrum, then everyone is on it.In this episode, we carry the idea of “The spectrum” and apply it to our personal development and potentiality.If intelligence is goal-directed behavior, then improving one’s wellness (over time) is a terrific use of their intelligence.Is it possible to consider your health on a spectrum from 1 - 10? How would you rate it?What about your finances or your professional career?Is it possible to improve your score in any wellness category over time? Arguably, it’s mandatory.How do you know where to start your personal development journey?The answer is often found by identifying your greatest challenge – the lowest score – in each of the eight, essential categoriesEnjoy the show!Upd