Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

Do you Have to Speak Fluent English to Make American Friends?



What is the hardest thing about making new friends? Is it the culture? Is it the language barrier? Is it the fear of making a mistake and appearing foolish? The hardest thing is often that first step and taking a chance. In my experience traveling around the world, most people are feeling the same as you. They want to meet you, and speak with you, because they want to learn about other cultures and countries and they also want to practice their language skills.   The next time you have the opportunity to meet a new individual, and a potential new friend, don’t be afraid to make the first move and say, “Hello, my name is _______, how are you today?” You might be surprised at how ready people are to engage in conversation and meet new people as well.   While on your English language journey, be sure to visit gonaturalenglish.com and grab your free eBook, introduce yourself to your American English teacher, Gabby, and strike up a conversation.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7E1VqhSkxg   Episode transcript be