Go Natural English Podcast | How To Speak Fluent English

What is Black Friday? Learn the Meaning and how it can benefit your English Fluency



  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl9O14qWvxo   Episode transcript below: Hello! How are you doing? Today is Black Friday. In the United States, this is a crazy day. I have to tell you a little bit about it and how it can benefit you. I recently came back to the United States after travelling a lot this year. And so I was here for Thanksgiving yesterday, which was lovely. I got to spend it with my family. And today is Black Friday. What the heck is Black Friday? That’s what all my international friends are asking me, because it’s a really big deal in the United States and it’s beginning to go to other countries. I know England and in other countries too, I’m sure, they’re picking up the Black Friday sale. So, Black Friday is a huge shopping day in the United States. It’s probably the biggest shopping day, because a lot of stores will offer their products at a special low price. So, they’ll have a lot of promotions and people get really crazy about this, because also the stores open up at early hours. Some sto