Moving Forward Leadership: Inspire | Mentor | Lead

The B-Suite: Middle Managers With Executive Impact | Rebecca Houghton | Episode 266



Rebecca has been in the business of building better talent and enabling awesome careers for over 25 years. She has led large teams and significant business units, won brilliant awards, and totally stuffed things up, just like others. Rebecca earned her stripes leading large teams in complex organizations and built quite a reputation for 'doing business differently.' She knows that without the B-Suite (or middle managers), businesses fail. She can proudly say that she is the best-selling author of IMPACT: 10 Ways to Level Up your Leadership. Rebecca has fun appearing on TickerTV, ABC radio, and Leaderonomics, and she writes for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, The Australian, News Ltd, CEO World, HR Leader, HR Director, and In The Black. Rebecca is dedicated to building B-Suite Leaders with C-Suite Impact, and her best work is done with ambitious organizations, leaders, and their teams who want more impact from middle management. Timestamped Overview for Middle Managers With Executive Impact [00:05:10] "