Christian Aid Global

Shoes to walk in: building back hope after the Haiti earthquake



In January 2010 Haiti was devastated by a massive earthquake, killing 230,000 people and affecting 2 million others. Since that time Christian Aid partner Haiti Survie has been meeting the needs of the most vulnerable families in Haiti. In this podcast Communications Officer Susan Barry speaks to Aldrin Calixte, director of Haiti Survie. He explains how they choose who to work with in a country with such need, and the kind of work they have been carrying out over the past two years. He uses the analogy of ‘shoes to walk in’ – from houses to livelihoods - and this podcast shows us the hope there is when we provide shoes for those that needs it most. To find out more visit the Christian Aid website: #AidAgency #charity #ChristianAid #church #donate #events #fundraise #give #Haiti #HaitiEarthquake #InternationalDevelopment #ngo #poverty #PovertyOver #support