Christian Aid Global

Delivering value for money: a hot topic



How do we know how much benefit our development work actually achieves, and for whom? A recent research study carried out for Christian Aid by the new economics foundation calculated that every £1 of funds spent generated £8 of financial and social benefits not only among people directly targeted by the Filling the Gaps project, but also for their wider communities. Understanding where and how we are delivering value for money is an increasingly hot topic as supporters and donors rightfully expect us to demonstrate our accountability. Measuring this value is complex and there is much debate across the sector around how to do it meaningfully and cost-effectively. In this recent report using a Social Return On Investment approach, we look at the social and financial benefits achieved by two partners in Kenya involved in the Comic Relief funded project to improve the quality of life for people living with HIV through increased access to treatment and therapy. Find the full report here: http://www.christianaid.or