Cancer Stories: The Art Of Oncology

Cemetery Rounds: Encountering Former Patients' Graves



TRANSCRIPT   Listen to ASCO’s Journal of Clinical Oncology essay, “Cemetery Rounds” by David Steensma, a hematologist-oncologist in Boston. The essay is followed by an interview with Steensma and host Dr. Lidia Schapira. Steensma describes the complex emotions that result from encountering graves of former patients on walks through a cemetery in his New England hometown. Narrator: Cemetery Rounds, by David Steensma, MD, FACP  In the summer of 1784, the body of a 4-month-old infant named Sally was the first to be laid in the earth of the hill next to my home. The gravedigger’s backhoe still cuts into the ground about once a week in what has become the largest cemetery in this Massachusetts town. During the recent pandemic, the graveyard was an open place with no need to wear a mask, so I often walked its quiet paths in the evening to stretch my legs after long hours hunched over a computer. These unhurried ambles were a chance to reflect on the day’s events and make plans for future days—and sometimes to rumin