21 Radio

Coach Greg Adams — Repairing the Father-Son Bond [Full Speech]



Welcome back to 21 Studios. In today's video, a famous motivational and life coach Greg Adams is giving a speech on the topic of the crucial role that a father figure plays in the life of a child. Adams draws on his own experiences as a father, as well as his work as a coach and mentor, to articulate the ways in which a father's presence and guidance can shape a child's emotional and social development. Adams emphasizes the importance of fathers as role models, mentors, and sources of emotional support for their sons. He discusses the impact that an absent or disengaged father can have on a boy's sense of self-worth and identity. Learn more from CGA at https://gregadamsone.com @CoachGregAdams @TheFreeAgentLifestyle Get 21 University https://21studios.com/mobile/ Newsletter: https://21studios.com Support the channel https://21studios.com/donate/ Live events https://21studios.com/21-summit/ Exclusive videos https://21university.com More exclusive content https://21studios.locals.com Merch https://www.the21store