Swat Bible Study

SWAT Bible Study 4/26/23 Acts 27:1-44 Anchors in the Storm



This week, we see how God anchors us through the storms of life with 1) His Presence in our Life, 2) His Purpose for our Life, 3) His Provision for our Life, and finally, His Proven Reliability through His Fulfilled Word. We saw God use Paul, as a prisoner, to lead over 276 people to have hope, in a hopeless situation. Over a 2 and ½ month period, God changed the minds of the people on the ship from disregarding Paul to respecting and honoring him. They all escaped safely despite an awful situation- 276 people jumped into the water, in a hurricane, from a shipwreck, and ALL made it safely to shore. God’s Word was fulfilled. God used and uses predictive prophecy to establish Divine Authority. God says it’ll happen, then it happens, and proves that God is who He claims to be and His Word can be trusted!!