Talk to Your Pharmacist

How to Build a Career by Design vs Settle for Career by Default with Jerry Fu



In this episode, our guest is Jerry Fu, a pharmacist and leadership coach. Getting fired was the wakeup call he needed to realize the urgency of improving himself as a leader. Once he helped facilitate a national Leader Development Seminar with PLEI in 2012, he grew confident enough in his leadership abilities to become a Pharmacist in Charge. That decision saved his career. His leadership experience opened up work opportunities he wouldn’t otherwise have been considered for. He has since founded Adapting Leaders, LLC to help others in the same way friends helped him, becoming certified through the International Coaching Federation. He now offers one-on-one coaching and group workshops, covering topics such as fighting apathy and leading without titles. He has coached leaders in Phi Lambda Sigma, Phi Delta Chi, and Boehringer-Ingelheim.Topics to discuss -- 1. Help pharmacists have better business sense.  2. Take a more proactive approach in designing the practice.  3. Become a stronger advocate for the profes