Women's Healthcast

Back to Basics: Pregnancy Prevention



There’s a lot to consider when choosing the right birth control -- what will work with your lifestyle? What are your goals? Are there other health issues you should consider before starting a method? Where can you go to find the right birth control for you? On this Back to Basics episode of the Women’s Healthcast, guest experts Dr. Ryan Luellwitz and Dr. Paula Cody answer all our common birth control questions: what kinds of birth control are available, how they work, and how someone can figure out what might be a good method for them. Resources for more information: Birth Control - Bedsider.org Birth Control - Center for Young Women's Health Birth Control - Planned Parenthood Birth Control - Young Men's Health Title X Clinics Locator - US Dept of Health and Human Services Women's Healthcast: Emergency Contraception Women's Healthcast: The State of Abortion Rights in 2022 Have a suggestion for a future episode? Let us know what health issues you'd like to learn about here! https://forms.gle/XaoArBtnxfHxA4Up7