Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

Why Early Risk Retirement is the Best Investment You Can Make: Interview with Dr. Sam Mazin, co-founder and CTO of RefleXion Medical



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we sat down with Dr. Sam Mazin, CEO of RefleXion, a therapeutic oncology company with a novel technology that marries positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) with radiotherapy. Sam received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, and holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. He co-founded RefleXion Medical in 2009 and is the inventor of the company’s core technology, which aims to improve treatment outcomes in patients with tumors in the lung or bone resulting from primary and metastatic cancer. In this interview, Sam shares why a startup medtech company should focus on retiring risk and pitching investors as early as possible. He also talks about the most important aspects every entrepreneur should consider when designing clinical trials to meet various goals.Before we jump into the conversation, I wanted to mention a few things:If you’re into learning from proven medtech