Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

The 3 Pillars of a Successful Medical Device Startup: Interview With Clarius CEO Ohad Arazi



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we sat down with Dr. Ohad Arazi, CEO of Clarius, a leading provider of high-definition wireless ultrasound systems. With his extensive experience in the technology industry, ranging from the Israeli military to industry leaders like McKesson, Telus, and Zebra Medical, Ohad's impact on Clarius' persistent growth is undeniable.In this interview, Ohad shares the inspiring story of Clarius and its innovative handheld ultrasound device. From navigating regulatory hurdles to training audiences on new technology, Ohad explains how Clarius has achieved impressive growth year after year and shares valuable insights relevant to any medtech startup.Before we jump into the conversation, I wanted to mention a few things:If you’re into learning from proven medtech and healthtech leaders, and want to know when new content and interviews go live, head over to and sign up for our free newsletter. You’ll get access to gated articles, and lots of other interesting healthcare conte