Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 7 Dr. Robert Neimeyer on Meaning Making after loss



Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology, at the University of Memphis, where he also maintains an active clinical practice. Bob is an international speaker on grief and loss, bringing a great wisdom to the field. In this episode of Shapes Of Grief, Bob talks to Liz about how his father's suicide when he was 12 was to shape his later choices.  He talks about why meaning making is important throughout life, not just in grief and has some fascinating perspectives on grief and how we might navigate it. We discuss how to help those who are grieving as well as looking at how to identify what our needs are in grief, how we might go about getting those needs met and how we might maintain a continuous bond with our deceased loved ones.  The sound quality is hampered at times, due to Liz being on a steep learning-curve of podcast editing and some builders who were hard at work in the background of this interview; please excuse this, we hope you agree that the content of the interview more than