Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 34 Shapes Of Grief meets Grief Encounters - Venetia & Liz Share thoughts on Grief and Loss



Back in the Winter of 2018, when I was planning the launch of the Shapes Of Grief podcast, two other women in Ireland were doing the same.  Venetia Quick and Sasha Hamrogue launched the Grief Encounters podcast at the same time.  It was lovely to finally meet with Venetia (unfortunately Sasha wasn’t there that day) and share experiences of our past few months hosting the podcasts and what we’ve learnt from people about grief. Both Shapes Of Grief and Grief Encounters have been met with such support in Ireland and Abroad, with a common goal of opening up the conversations around grief so that those grieving can feel less isolated and those supporting them will have a better understanding of the enormity that a bereavement or other traumatic event can have on someone’s life. Grief Encounters is available on most podcasting platforms and, like Shapes Of Grief, they have a private facebook group for those experiencing grief at this time. If you have been supported by either Shapes Of Grief or Grief Enco