Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 44 Liz speaks about managing our grief and anxiety during Covid 19



When we are grieving, it is often as if the whole world has turned upside down and we need to navigate our new reality on very shaky ground. The pandemic Covid 19 that we are now living through will elicit feelings of grief and anxiety for many of us as we try to understand and process our new reality and find stability amongst the chaos. In this episode, Liz describes what can happen in our bodies in times of stress and how we can best take care of ourselves during these uncertain times.  #grief #anxiety #covid19 #selfcompassion #vagusnerve #stressrelief About Shapes of Grief: Shapes of Grief is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to enhancing competency around loss, grief and bereavement literacy. Curated by Psychotherapist and grief specialist Liz Gleeson, Shapes of Grief equips individuals with the tools and expertise necessary for understanding and supporting the complex needs of the bereaved, or people grieving any type of loss. With a curriculum that has been meticulously develope