Shapes Of Grief

Ep 46 Grief Therapists & End-of-life doulas Katrina Taee & Wendelien McNicoll speak to Liz about 'Surviving the Tsunami of Grief'



What a rich conversation this was, speaking to Katrina Taee and Wendelien McNicoll about their personal experiences of loss, their work with the dying and the bereaved, through to the recent launch of their very valuable book 'Surving the Tsunami of Grief'.  Between them, Katrina and Wendelien have a wealth of personal experience of loss as well as a very palpable passion for being of service to those who are dying and those who are grieving. We speak about euthanasia, sibling grief and how grief can strike at any time, no matter how long after the loss. I had such a rich morning with these women, I hope you can feel as equally moved by them through this conversation. #grief #bereavement #griefbooks #survivingthetsunamiofgrief  About Shapes of Grief: Shapes of Grief is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to enhancing competency around loss, grief and bereavement literacy. Curated by Psychotherapist and grief specialist Liz Gleeson, Shapes of Grief equips individuals with the tools a