Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 48 Dr Mekel Harris on the death of her mother & the collective grief following George Floyd's death



Dr Mekel Harris, Clinical Psychologist, speaks about her tremendous grief following the death of her mother who was also her best friend. Liz and Mekel draw comparisons between our individual losses experienced around the time of bereavement and the collective loss following the death of George Floyd, a brutal death that has left the world reeling and crying out for change. Mekel discusses the ongoing grief of racism, injustice and marginalisation and how white allies can help. The first thirty minutes cover Makel’s personal bereavement and the latter half of the episode explores the collective grief experienced by People of colour for centuries. Please do share this episode far and wide. #grief #bereavement #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd #antiracist About Shapes of Grief: Shapes of Grief is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to enhancing competency around loss, grief and bereavement literacy. Curated by Psychotherapist and grief specialist Liz Gleeson, Shapes of Grief equips individuals wit