Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 54 Norah Casey on Grief in Ireland today & her personal story of loss



In this episode, Norah reflects on the many shapes of grief that are manifesting in Ireland today, from the recent tragedies in Dublin and Cork, to the Mother & Babies Homes scandal that has caused widespread grief throughout the nation. On a more personal note, Norah shares her experience of domestic abuse, the physical violence she endured and how she found the courage to get out. She generously shares her experience through Richard’s illness and death and how she found her feet again, in the midst of crippling grief. Please share the episode and as always, do consider becoming a Patron on #norahcasey #dragonsden #bobbykerr #focusireland #motherandbabyhomes #kenturk #drpaulgreegan #professorjohncrown #grief #bereavement About Shapes of Grief: Shapes of Grief is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to enhancing competency around loss, grief and bereavement literacy. Curated by Psychotherapist and grief specialist Liz Gleeson, Shapes of Grief equips individuals wi