Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 58 Lindsey Whissel-Fenton on making the Documentary ‘Speaking Grief’



A wonderful conversation with Lindsey Whissel Fenton about many facets of grief, in particular, Disenfranchised Grief. Lindsey Whissel Fenton is a senior producer at WPSU, the PBS/NPR affiliate station in Central Pennsylvania. She’s an Emmy award-winning storyteller who is passionate about using public media to build empathy. Lindsey produced, directed, and wrote the documentary Speaking Grief and continues to produce content for the initiative’s website and social media presence. Watch the documentary here #grief #bereavement #speakinggrief #megandevine #griefdocumentary #griefpodcast #disenfranchisedgrief About Shapes of Grief: Shapes of Grief is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to enhancing competency around loss, grief and bereavement literacy. Curated by Psychotherapist and grief specialist Liz Gleeson, Shapes of Grief equips individuals with the tools and expertise necessary for understanding and supporting the complex needs of the bereaved, or p