Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 68 Clair speaks about living with a terminal illness



Have you ever wondered how you would respond to receiving a terminal diagnosis? In this conversation with Clair, we talk about dying, living, available choices when living with a terminal illness and the 'battle' language that often accompanies cancer. Clair is refreshingly honest and a breath of fresh air.  Clair's website "As someone living with a stage 4 cancer diagnosis I have come to realise that many people seem to think that surviving is the same as being well and that dying is the same as being sick - when actually neither are true. There should be more to life than simply not dying. Acknowledging that death is coming is not something that I think of as a failure or a lost fight. Life is glorious and while I live it I am interested to discover how wellbeing evidence can help inform and improve my life and the journey of others living with terminal illness.  I’m grateful for the support of the wonderful  What Works Centre for Wellbeing who are collaborating with