Shapes Of Grief

Ep. 89 Addison Brasil on Compound Grief & an LGBTQ perspective on loss



I absolutely loved this conversation with Addison Brasil. It is so full of wisdom and possibilities in the face of profound, multiple losses. It will not be for everyone, but if you’re someone who doesn’t want your losses to define your entire life moving forward, then sit down and tune in to this one. "Addison Brasil's new book is a must-read for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one." Addison Brasil lost his brother to cancer, found his father after suicide, and survived a fatal event that killed a dear friend and left him relearning to walk all before age 30. Despite being "just to the left" of death so intimately, whenever someone would share they had experienced loss or ask how to support another person dealing with the loss he would freeze. After thirteen years in the grief club arena, Addison's new book is something he wants to offer to anyone grieving. First Year of Grief Club: A Gift From A Frend Who Gets it (#1 New Release in Death, Grief, and Spirituality) is available on Amazon now. F