Every Branch Podcast

Holding Space: Ep. 52



Have you ever had the experience of being around a negative person and felt your mood drop to that same low place? Or the opposite experience of being with a radiant person and you feel your own spirits rise? We’ll talk about why this happens, and how you can hold the space of a higher emotion when confronted with someone else’s low emotions. this is especially powerful when you need to be a safe support for someone else who is struggling. Today’s conversation gets into my newest favorite topic: the energy of our emotions. Each emotion you feel resonates at a different frequency in your body. We already intuitively know this, it’s why we say that our spirits our high or or our spirits are low. If you want a great resource to learn more about this, both Jessica and I just recently finished reading the book The Emotion Code—which we will link to in the show notes. It’s a fascinating read that we only mention briefly on the podcast, but it gives a great overview of the science behind emotion, and most import