Abe Kanan

Abe Kanan:ON HOLD Episode 61 - 11/3/2015



Abe Kanan Ryan Manno, Sam Kanan, and Bass discuss... 1. Transplant team truck 2. Sam is in a loud room with announcements in background 3. Sam gets upset about Abe questioning announcements 4. Abe uses gimp foot picture to get out of doing stuff 5. Sam can go over the edge in a split second 6. Abe was an AV boy and janitor assistant in grade school 7. Bass just accepts people talking behind his back 8. Abe has side text conversations ripping on everyone 9. Thanksgiving origin and Canadian Thanksgiving 10. Abe's HR lady thought he was black 11. Transitioning women who look like Larry The Cable Guy 12. 90's rap skits sucked 13. CHI-RAQ movie looks horrible 14. Guy with gross ears had an earring 15. Don't highlight your shortcomings --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/abekanan/support