

“The will is not free - it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect - but there is something behind the will which is free.” - Jiddu Krishnamurti.This is a Habits 2 Goals premium episode FREE for ALL subscribers.Do you know what “the great convergence” really is?It is not how technology globalized humanity. Not really. “The great convergence,” that I’m referring to semi-jokingly is the key to the universe. Your universe.It’s tough to be effective and to feel good about yourself if you cannot align your volition with your willpower. When you do, many benefits arise: You'll overcome obstacles more effectively, and create new, positive habits easier. You’ll even develop self-discipline and be more likely to achieve long-term goals.All because you can align your behaviors with your volition.You’ll even improve your resilience!Go premium today! Visit learn more about P.A.R.R., just Google “P.A.R.R. and The Habit Factor.”------Check out, EVERYTHING is a F*cking STORY my lates