Dementia Matters

Therapeutic Fibbing: Mastering the Art of Communicating with a Loved One with Dementia



Former Governor of Wisconsin, Martin Schreiber, returns to Dementia Matters to discuss different methods for communicating with a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, including therapeutic fibbing. Governor Schreiber has been a widely outspoken advocate for Alzheimer’s disease while caring for his late wife Elaine, who passed away from the disease in April of 2022. In this episode, he also talks about his book, My Two Elaines, where he opens up about his experience as a caregiver. Guest: Martin Schreiber, Former Governor of Wisconsin (1977-1979), Former Lt. Governor of Wisconsin (1971-1977) Show Notes Learn more about Martin Schreiber and his book, My Two Elaines, at his website, or follow him on Facebook. Listen to Governor Schreiber’s previous appearance on our website or wherever you get your podcasts.  Connect with us Find transcripts and more at our website. Email Dementia Matters Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe to the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center’s e-newsletter.